Transformation Counseling and Consulting, PLLC is now accepting appointments for virtual therapy in Florida!

TC&C will be joining NAMIWalks on the United Day of Hope, May 18th, as the Black Therapists Walk Team. By joining our team, you - like thousands of others across the country - are bringing us closer to our goal of "Mental Health for All."

Kathleen Lowe Jacobs, LCSWA

    Kathleen Lowe Jacobs is a licensed clinical social worker associate.  She specializes in working with individuals to manage or eliminate anxiety and depressive symptoms. She also works with grief and trauma. She has a passion for working with people setting and completing personal goals. 

    She received her B.A. in Sociology and a Master’s in Social Work from Fayetteville State University in Fayetteville North Carolina. Kathleen has a Master’s in Management and Leadership from Webster University. She has worked in many diverse settings in the field of community action, school settings, and within managed care operations.  She has over 15 years of experience in management and direct services in the field of human services.

    Kathleen is a member of the National Association for Social Workers. She is a mother of 5 and 11 grandchildren. She is familiar with grief and getting back on track with life as she experienced the loss of her son Bryce in 2014. She enjoys traveling, relaxing, and spending time with her family in her free time. 

Kathleen offers virtual counseling only.